APTN News Brief

Daily update on what’s making headlines in Indigenous country across Canada and beyond.

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  1. APTN News Brief: August 30, 2023

    Wednesday, August 30th 2023

    Our lead story: the English River First Nation reveals the results of its ground-penetrating radar survey around the site of the Beauval Indian Residential School in northwestern Saskatchewan, reporting a total of 93 potential graves, including 79 children and 14 infants.

  2. APTN News Brief: August 29, 2023

    Tuesday, August 29th 2023

    Our lead story: a 4,000-square-kilometre wildfire looms perilously close to Hay River, Northwest Territories as fire crews manage to hold back the flames as of early last evening, said to be just one kilometre away from West Point First Nation, which falls within Hay River and West Channel.

  3. APTN News Brief: August 28, 2023

    Monday, August 28th 2023

    Our lead story: firefighters and a bit of good weather keep a 170,000-hectare fire at bay near the N.W.T. capital of Yellowknife, but officials warn headed into the weekend it's still not safe for residents to return due to high temperatures, low moisture and brisk to heavy winds.

  4. APTN News Brief: August 25, 2023

    Friday, August 25th 2023

    Our lead story: while cooler temperatures and a recent downpour bring some relief to firefighters in hard-hit B.C. hot zones like Okanagan and Shuswap, flames are still thought to be a threat for Yellowknife, Hay River and Fort Smith in the N.W.T..

  5. APTN News Brief: August 24, 2023

    Thursday, August 24th 2023

    Our lead story: some of those who self-evacuated the capital city of Yellowknife by car due to last week’s wildfire threats are surprised to hear their costs wouldn’t be compensated by the Northwest Territories government.

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