The best newspaper in Canada is a podcast.

Every Monday, we bring you original reporting on the most interesting story in the country. Every Thursday, we bring you analysis of the Canadian media. We break stories today that determine tomorrow's news cycle. We hold the powerful to account, and we scrutinize institutions and individuals that others won't.

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Latest podcasts

  1. (Détours) Rentrée scolaire féministe

    Saturday, August 19th 2023

    AVERTISSEMENT : Dans cet épisode, nous discutons de violence à caractère sexuelle et de violence basée sur le genre, y compris la violence impliquant des mineurs. Si vous êtes à la recherche de soutien, le lien suivant vous dirigera vers des ressources à travers le Canada :

    Alors que le mouvement #MoiAussi battait son plein en 2017, le gouvernement du Québec adoptait une loi-cadre qui vise à prévenir et combattre les violences sexuelles dans les cégeps et les universités. Emilie invite Léa Clermont-Dion pour discuter de l’impact de cette loi-cadre, ainsi que des efforts militants et politiques pour mettre en place une telle loi dans les institutions préscolaire, primaire et secondaire. Auteure et chercheure universitaire, Léa explore également les questions féministes par le biais du cinéma. Emilie et Léa abordent le sujet difficile de la cyberviolence en discutant du film documentaire co-réalisé par Léa, Je vous salue salope : La misogynie au temps du numérique

    CONTENT WARNING: In this episode, the co-hosts discuss sexual violence and gender-based violence, including violence involving minors. If you are seeking support, the following link will direct you to resources across Canada: 

    While the #MeToo movement was in full swing in 2017, the Quebec government adopted a framework law aimed at preventing and combating sexual violence in CEGEPs and universities. Emilie invites Léa Clermont-Dion to discuss the impact of this framework law, as well as the activist and political efforts to implement such a law in preschools, elementary schools, and high schools. An author and academic researcher, Léa also explores feminist issues through filmmaking. Emilie and Léa tackle the difficult subject of cyber-violence by discussing the documentary film co-directed by Léa, Backlash: Misogyny in the Digital Age.

    Animation: Emilie Nicolas

    Générique: Nancy Pettinicchio (Production), Tristan Capacchione (Production technique), Karyn Pugliese (Rédactrice en chef)

    Coanimation: Léa Clermont-Dion

    Pour en savoir plus, allez sur notre site

    Commanditaires : PolicyMe, Athletic Greens

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    Vous pouvez écouter sans publicité sur Amazon Music, inclus avec Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  2. (Short Cuts) Pierre Don’t Care

    Thursday, August 17th 2023

    Does Pierre Poielievre touting conspiracy theories count as news? And will the revelations about Doug Ford’s development of the Greenbelt amount to anything?

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: Aviva Lessard (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Annette Ejiofor (Managing Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Nora Loreto


    Further reading: 


    Sponsors: oxio, Indochino


    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  3. Podcasting In Cubaland

    Monday, August 14th 2023

    In Cuba wide public access to the internet is only a few years old. The press is still severely restricted by the government. But there is something of a small podcast boom taking shape in the country.

    So in a country where the press is under constant threat of intimidation, interrogation, and being jailed, how do you make a podcast that can challenge the government? 

    Today we talk to Cuban podcaster Camilo Condis.

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: Jonathan Goldsbie (News Editor), Tristan Capacchione (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Annette Ejiofor (Managing Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Further information:

    Sponsors: Canva, Squarespace, Peloton

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  4. (Short Cuts) What’s-a Meta with Canadian News?

    Thursday, August 10th 2023

    With Meta making good on its threat to expunge news from Facebook and Instagram, Canada’s publishers and broadcasters pin their hopes on the Competition Bureau to set things right. (We’re doomed?)

    And when the Liberals promised to plant 2 billion trees, they probably weren’t betting that anyone would actually try to keep count.

    The Narwhal’s Mike De Souza joins Jonathan on Short Cuts.

    Host: Jonathan Goldsbie

    Credits: Aviva Lessard (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Annette Ejiofor (Managing Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Mike De Souza


    Further reading: 


    Sponsors: Douglas,Athletic Greens,


    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  5. The Interrogation Of Jesse Brown

    Monday, August 7th 2023

    Jesse Brown might think himself quite the question master, but today the tables have turned and our guest host, the Jonathan Torrens, investigates the inner workings of this show's host. Is it possible to be too cynical?  

    Featured in this episode: Jonathan Torrens, actor, performer and writer best known for his beef with Jesse Brown and hosting shows like Street Cents, Jonovision and his role in Trailer Park Boys; Jesse Brown, early guest on Jonovision (and, I guess, the publisher of the Canadaland podcast network). 

    Credits: Jonathan Goldsbie (News Editor), Tristan Capacchione (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Sarah Lawryniuk (Former Senior Producer), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Annette Ejiofor (Managing Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Past relevant episodes:

    Sponsors: Squarespace, Rotman, Peloton

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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