APTN News Brief

Daily update on what’s making headlines in Indigenous country across Canada and beyond.

Latest podcasts

  1. APTN News Brief: February 14, 2024

    Wednesday, February 14th 2024

    Our lead story: the fallout continues over Saskatchewan Conservative MP Kevin Waugh’s comments in the House of Commons, when he blamed arson for the destruction of two First Nations water treatment plants.

  2. APTN News Brief: February 13, 2024

    Tuesday, February 13th 2024

    Our lead story: after the bodies of three children, a teenager and one woman are found Sunday morning in multiple southern Manitoba locations, the common law partner to the woman and father to the children is charged in their deaths.

  3. APTN News Brief: February 12, 2024

    Monday, February 12th 2024

    Our lead story: the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously rejects Quebec's constitutional challenge of Bill C-92, the federal law guaranteeing exclusive Indigenous control over child welfare services.

  4. APTN News Brief: February 9, 2024

    Friday, February 9th 2024

    Our lead story: as part of its look at a study of organizations yet to release records on children at Indian Residential Schools, the Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples hears from Saskatchewan chief coroner Clive Weighill.



  5. APTN News Brief: February 8, 2024

    Thursday, February 8th 2024

    Our lead story: a Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) chiefs assembly hears concerns about policing in Thunder Bay, including the force’s lack of response when told of a missing 14-year-old girl from Neskantanga First Nation, a teen who'd be found dead just days later.

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