Canadaland Commons

COMMONS is a documentary podcast that proves Canada is anything but boring. Each season, host Arshy Mann guides you through the country’s dark underbelly, bringing you stories about crime, corruption and all manner of misdeeds.

This season, the dark side of hockey. We will examine the past, present, and future of the game and leave you wondering what you really know about Canada’s national pastime.

Latest podcasts

  1. DYNASTIES 1 - The Stronachs

    Tuesday, September 17th 2019

    Canada is a country ruled by dynasties — political, commercial and criminal. In the first episode of our new series, we bring you the story of an eccentric, billionaire patriarch; his famous, charismatic daughter; a fire-breathing monument the size of the Statue of Liberty; and the battle over one of Canada’s great business empires. 

    Featured in this episode: Robert Fife (Globe and Mail).

    To learn more:

    “The $500 Million Family Feud” by Leah McLaren in Toronto Life

    “A Stronach Family Feud: How things fell apart between the patriarch and his heir apparent” by Barbara Shecter and Geoff Zochodne in the Financial Post

    “‘They stole the company’: Frank Stronach accuses daughter Belinda of betrayal” by Robert Fife in The Globe and Mail

    This show was brought to you by our patrons. Please consider becoming a monthly supporter

    This episode is sponsored by Freshbooks and Audible

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  2. Our new season: DYNASTIES

    Thursday, September 12th 2019

    Stories about the rich and powerful families who run Canada.

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  3. CRUDE 10 - The Apocalypse is Now

    Tuesday, August 20th 2019

    Canoe-borne bandits strike an underwater town. A new generation of wealthy lobstermen is minted. An island disappears. And hellfire engulfs a highway jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive. Just another normal day amidst Canada’s climate catastrophe. 

    Featured in this episode: Catherine Griwkowsky (Alberta Today), Brendan Kennedy (Toronto Star), Keith Stewart (Greenpeace), Markus Harvey.

    To learn more:

    “There will be floods” by Brendan Kennedy in the Toronto Star

    “Big Oil braced for global warming while it fought regulations” by Amy Lieberman and Susanne Rust in the Los Angeles Times

    “When climate change hits home” by Nick Purdon in CBC News

    This show was brought to you by our patrons. Please consider becoming a monthly supporter

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  4. CRUDE 9 - Tar Teck: The Final Frontier

    Tuesday, August 6th 2019

    Teck Resources just got approval to build the largest tar sands operation ever. The Frontier mine would have serious and permanent consequences for the local environment, Indigenous peoples and the global climate. So why haven’t you ever heard about it?

    Featured in this episode: Nikki Way (Pembina Institute), Kecia Kerr (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society), Cleo Reece (Keepers of the Athabasca), Violet Cheecham Clark.

    To learn more:

    “10 things you need to know about the massive new oilsands mine that just got a green light” by Sharon J. Riley in The Narwhal

    “Teck's Frontier oilsands project heads to McKenna for review” by Alastair Sharp in National Observer

    “UN says Canada isn’t doing enough to save Wood Buffalo National Park” by Judith Lavoie in The Narwhal

    This show was brought to you by our patrons. Please consider becoming a monthly supporter

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  5. CRUDE 8 - Spies, Lies and Private Eyes

    Tuesday, July 23rd 2019

    Ever get the feeling someone is watching you? If you’ve been to an environmental protest recently, you might be right. Private intelligence firms, the RCMP and even Canada’s spies have all been caught collecting information on everyday Canadians speaking out against the oil industry.

    Featured in this episode: Ron Tremblay (Wolostoq Grand Council), Mike De Souza (National Observer), Meghan McDermott (BC Civil Liberties Association)

    To learn more:

    “Spies in our midst: RCMP and CSIS snoop on green activists” by Bruce Livesey in National Observer

    “The Private Intelligence Firm Keeping Tabs on Environmentalists” by Adam Federman in Mother Jones

    “Kinder Morgan privately eyes Trans Mountain opponents” by Alastair Sharp & Dylan Waisman in National Observer

    “The feds paid private eye to hunt for a journalist's sources” by Mike De Souza in National Observer

    Additional music:

    “A List of Ways to Die” by Lee Rosevere, adapted.

    This show was brought to you by our patrons. Please consider becoming a monthly supporter.

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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