The best newspaper in Canada is a podcast.

Every Monday, we bring you original reporting on the most interesting story in the country. Every Thursday, we bring you analysis of the Canadian media. We break stories today that determine tomorrow's news cycle. We hold the powerful to account, and we scrutinize institutions and individuals that others won't.

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Latest podcasts

  1. (Short Cuts) Blurred Faces and the 24-Hour Frenzy of Shohei Ohtani

    Thursday, December 14th 2023

    With so much going on in the world, how could we possibly cover it all on one Short Cuts? By breaking it up into digestible chunks of varying levels of importance, that’s how!

    Jonathan and Karyn reteam for an all–Duly Noted edition of Short Cuts, spanning everything from the National Post’s somehow-even-more-conservative-than-before coverage of Israel to that one baseball man who people thought was on his way to Toronto but wasn’t. And did a whistleblower actually deliver anonymous, in-person testimony to Parliament this week? Sort of!

    Host: Jonathan Goldsie

    Credits: Aviva Lessard (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), Annette Ejiofor (Managing Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Karyn Pugliese


    Further reading: 


    Sponsors: Douglas, oxio,


    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  2. The Journalists’ Psychiatrist

    Monday, December 11th 2023

    Usually when Canadaland does a story on reporters in conflict we’re talking to a reporter who has had boots on the ground, someone who’s dodged bullets in hot zones and has the scars and the PTSD to prove it. But not this time. This time we’re speaking with Anthony Feinstein a professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. He specializes in the psychological distress of journalists. He treats journalists as patients, and he does research into the kind of psychological trauma that commonly afflicts them. In fact, he created the field of study focused on psychological trauma in journalists - it simply did not exist before him. 

    Host: Jesse Brown 

    Guest: Anthony Feinstein, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto.

    Credits: Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Jonathan Goldsbie (News Editor), Annette Ejiofor (Managing Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Further reading:

    Sponsors: Communauto Squarespace Oxio

    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody. Support Canadaland at

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  3. (Détours) Catherine Dorion, celle qui dérange

    Saturday, December 9th 2023

    À la suite de son mandat de députée de Québec solidaire à l'Assemblée nationale de 2018 à 2022, Catherine Dorion s'est lancée dans l'écriture d'un livre. Paru le 13 novembre dernier, Les têtes brûlées : Carnets d'espoir punk raconte l'attention médiatique qui a entouré Catherine durant son mandat. L’ex-députée se joint à Émilie, qui a elle aussi grandi dans la région de Québec, pour réfléchir à l'influence des médias – en particulier de la radio-poubelle – non seulement sur la politique provinciale, mais aussi sur la vie quotidienne de divers groupes marginalisés. Un échange sincère entre deux femmes de Québec qui dérangent.

    Following her mandate as a Québec solidaire Member of National Assembly from 2018 to 2022, Catherine Dorion set out to write a book. Released on November 13, Les têtes brûlées : Carnets d'espoir punk recounts the media attention that surrounded Catherine during her mandate. Catherine joins Emilie, who also grew up in the Quebec City region, to reflect on the influence of the media – and more specifically of trash-radio – not only on provincial politics but also on the everyday lives of various marginalized groups. A heartfelt exchange between two Québec City women who disrupt the status quo.

    Animation: Emilie Nicolas

    Générique: Nancy Pettinicchio (Production), Tristan Capacchione (Production technique), Karyn Pugliese (Rédactrice en chef)

    Coanimation: Catherine Dorion

    Pour en savoir plus :

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    If you enjoy this podcast, please support us! You'll get bonus access to all of our shows for free, including early releases and bonus content. You'll also receive our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch in our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and most importantly, you'll be part of the solution to the journalism crisis in Canada. You'll help keep our work free and accessible to everyone.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music, included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  4. David Suzuki — The CANADALAND Interview

    Saturday, December 9th 2023

    David Suzuki spent decades of his life sounding the alarm about environmental destruction, as host of the CBC TV show The Nature of Things and other radio programs. When he looks at the world today, he’s frustrated. “We haven’t done a goddamn thing about the issues being raised,” he tells Jesse.

    He also talks about the failures of Capitalism, the people who have tried to take him down, and his concerns with the state of discourse today.

    This conversation was recorded in September, 2023

    Sponsors: Douglas, Communauto

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  5. (Short Cuts) Newspocalypse Now

    Thursday, December 7th 2023

    CBC makes huge cuts - with plans to eliminate 600 positions. Is it time for a good hard look in the mirror to figure out what its future could look like? And Pierre Poilievre turns to documentary film to explain the housing crisis. 

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: Aviva Lessard (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Annette Ejiofor (Managing Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Paul Wells


    Further reading: 


    Sponsors: oxio, Article, Athletic Greens, Calm


    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Free Canada-wide shipping on our store until December 11th!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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