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This Matters | Daily News Podcast

The world is changing every day. Now, more than ever, these questions matter. What’s happening? And why should you care? This Matters, a daily news podcast from the Toronto Star, aims to answer those questions, on important stories and ideas, every day, Monday to Friday. Hosts Saba Eitizaz and Raju Mudhar talk to experts and newsmakers about the social, cultural, political and economic stories that shape your life.

  1. Pandemic politics: A different Doug Ford

    Wednesday, April 15th 2020

    Just as COVID-19 has changed almost every aspect of society, it is also definitely not politics as usual. Leaders are being forged in the crucible of a pandemic, and there is plenty of criticism and kudos to go around. But since COVID-19 has become a serious issue, Premier Ford has drawn praise from many corners for the way that he has handled this ongoing crisis. Raju Mudhar is joined by Martin Regg Cohn, political columnist based at Queen’s Park for the Star, to talk about how Ford style of leadership has changed, how he compares with Donald Trump and Winston Churchill and whether we might expect this to last.

  2. All about CERB (Canadian Emergency Relief Benefits)

    Tuesday, April 14th 2020

    Saba Eitizaz speaks to employment lawyer Hermie Abraham to help answer some of the questions around the emergency help--who is eligible, how they can apply and who might still be left behind, although the government is moving fast to expand the umbrella of financial protection-and with Star journalist, Rosa Saba about why some Canadians might have to pay it back.

  3. What do companies owe essential workers before and after COVID-19?

    Monday, April 13th 2020

    Employees are taking care of business but are businesses taking care of employees? Within a matter of weeks, Canadians, and people around the world, have learned which industries and workers are essential for our survival. So are major companies doing enough to protect them? Is it time we consider how to make our economy more sustainable in a post-COVID world? Adrian Cheung talks to Toby Heaps and Michelynn Lafleche from Corporate Knights about the economic realities so many of us face—and especially in a time of crisis—what our workplaces owe us.

  4. Q&A with Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto’s public health guardian

    Friday, April 10th 2020

    Star City Hall Bureau Chief, David Rider, talks with Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto’s public health guardian, on her life and the weight of the fight against COVID-19. Dr. de Villa, medical officer of health, is the eye of Toronto’s public health hurricane. David Rider got a few of de Villa’s precious minutes to check up on the doctor.

  5. Viral inequality: Coronavirus might be an equalizer but society is not

    Wednesday, April 8th 2020

    Some people can work at home, avoid transit, connect to colleagues and friends via Zoom, order supplies to their door, stockpile necessities, and avoid COVID-19. Others can't. Saba Eitizaz speaks to Ian Goldin, of Oxford, about how the Coronavirus has highlighted a class divide and what kind of world will we live in after this is over. Saba also speaks to the Toronto Star’s social justice reporter Laurie Monsebraaten about how this looks in Toronto and who are the most vulnerable falling through the cracks.

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