This Matters | Daily News Podcast

The world is changing every day. Now, more than ever, these questions matter. What’s happening? And why should you care? This Matters, a daily news podcast from the Toronto Star, aims to answer those questions, on important stories and ideas, every day, Monday to Friday. Hosts Saba Eitizaz and Raju Mudhar talk to experts and newsmakers about the social, cultural, political and economic stories that shape your life.

Latest podcasts

  1. ‘We’re getting screwed... make that the ballot question’

    Wednesday, May 31st 2023

    Guests: Scott Reid, advisor to former prime minister Paul Martin and political analyst with CTV, speaks with guest host Edward Keenan

    Exactly 21 years ago, Scott Reid’s boss, then Finance Minister Paul Martin, delivered a speech on the need to give cities a new source of revenue. It was regarded as the new deal for cities, and a speech Reid recalls led to Martin’s departure from Jean Chrétien’s cabinet. Now all these years later, as Reid and guest host Edward Keenan agree, Toronto needs to demand a new deal that acknowledges Toronto is different than any other city in Canada. Reid, a “lifelong political hack,” talks through how mayoral candidates should approach it as a campaign issue to win a mandate and how it might work out in practice to create leverage if anyone won the election on that message.

    Audio source: CSPAN, Canadian Question Period, June 3, 2002

  2. The ups and downs of the elevator industry

    Tuesday, May 30th 2023

    Guest: Clarrie Feinstein, business reporter

    Elevators are key piece of apartment and condo living, but due to a number of factors, they often take a long time to get fixed once they break down. From a shortage of mechanics to a small number of companies who control the industry and use proprietary parts, there are several reasons why critics feel the entire sector can use better oversight.

    This episode was produced by Paulo Marques and Raju Mudhar.

  3. Body cams on soccer referees to deter abuse from parents and coaches

    Monday, May 29th 2023

    Guest: Kerry Gillespie, sports reporter

    Ontario Soccer is launching a pilot project this summer that will see some referees wearing body cams to record and deter abuse. What is surprising is that this isn’t happening at the professional or adult levels, but starting with the under 9 and 11 age groups. Many sports are facing a shortage of people wanting to officiate matches and one of the biggest reasons cited is the taunting and abuse referees take from parents, spectators and coaches. Is this a way to change the culture around treatment of officials?

    This episode was produced by Alexis Green, Paulo Marques and Raju Mudhar.

  4. The historical context behind renaming Dundas Street

    Friday, May 26th 2023

    Guest: Francine Kopun, senior writer

    Toronto is in the process of renaming Dundas Street, but some critics think it’s not worth the cost and trouble. Three years after City Hall acted on a petition to change the name due to the actions of its namesake, Henry Dundas, some mayoral candidates are pledging to reopen the debate. Much of it hinges on the role Dundas may have played in delaying the abolition of slavery in the British Empire.

    This episode was produced by Alexis Green, Paulo Marques and Raju Mudhar.

    Audio sources: BBC, CNN

  5. Debating Toronto’s future: The race for mayor

    Thursday, May 25th 2023

    Guest: David Rider, City Hall bureau chief

    We are learning a lot more about the candidates running to be mayor of Toronto, particularly the six leading contenders who have floated to the top while 96 others are in the mix somewhere else. Amid a busy week of campaigning that included a handful of debates, here’s what we are learning about their policy positions and what we know our city wants in a mayor post-John Tory.

    This episode was produced by Brian Bradley, Paulo Marques and Raju Mudhar.

    Audio Sources: Twitter, City News

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