The best newspaper in Canada is a podcast.

Every Monday, we bring you original reporting on the most interesting story in the country. Every Thursday, we bring you analysis of the Canadian media. We break stories today that determine tomorrow's news cycle. We hold the powerful to account, and we scrutinize institutions and individuals that others won't.

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Latest podcasts

  1. (Short Cuts) Loblaw & Order

    Thursday, May 16th 2024

    There’s a Loblaws Boycott underway, but is it actually working? Jesse breaks his silence on the Reddit-fueled consumer action and brainstorms some guerilla grocery tactics. 

    A new CBC advisory committee aims to “modernize” the CBC, but Peter Menzies explains why it probably won’t move fast enough to make a difference. 

    For a limited time, get 6 months of exclusive supporter benefits for just $2/month. Go to to become a supporter today. 

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: James Nicholson(Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest:  Peter Menzies

    Further reading: 


    Sponsors: CAMH, Douglas, Indochino,  Article,  

    Additional Music by Audio Network

    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  2. The Pretendian Crisis

    Monday, May 13th 2024

    The pretendian phenomenon has been known and discussed in indigenous circles for years, but it's become mainstream Canadian news lately thanks to three big name exposés: Buffy sainte Marie, Joseph Boyden, and Michelle Latimer. These people were arguably the most famous indigenous songwriter in Canada, the most famous indigenous novelist in Canada and the most famous indigenous filmmaker in Canada. And all three were revealed to not actually be indigenous or at a minimum, all three misrepresented their ancestries and their community connections.

    But they are just the tip of the iceberg. The real issue with pretendians, according to a growing chorus of Indigenous leaders, is that Indigenous identity theft is vast and it poses an existential threat to First Nations. 

    In the United States, the number of people who identified themselves as native has grown from 552,000 back in 1960 to 9.7 million in 2020. That is a growth rate almost ten times as high as overall population growth in America. And most of it did not happen because new native people were born. It happened because millions of people shifted their identities. Here in Canada, we have 1.8 million people identifying as Indigenous today, up from just under half a million in 1980. That is almost a 400% increase. And again, most of it is not because indigenous people are having so many kids. Most of it is happening because so many Canadians are deciding that they're Indigenous. So what happens when people with newly claimed and highly contested Indigenous identities outnumber the Indigenous people that precede them? 

    Host: Jesse Brown 

    Credits: Tristan Capacchione (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Featured guests: Robert Jago, Angel Ellis

    Additional music by Audio Network

    For more information:

    Sponsors: AG1, CAMH, Squarespace

    For a limited time, get 6 months of exclusive supporter benefits for just $2/month. Go to to become a supporter today.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  3. (Détours) L’immigrant imaginaire

    Saturday, May 11th 2024

    Si l’on en croit les médias et les discours des politiques, les immigrants seraient responsables de toutes les difficultés culturelles et économiques que connaissent le Canada et le Québec à l’heure actuelle. Pour décrypter ces discours nauséabonds, Emilie reçoit Mireille Paquet, professeure au département de politique de l’Université Concordia et spécialiste des politiques migratoires. Dans la deuxième partie de l’émission, elles reviennent sur les campements pro palestiniens installés sur les campus canadiens, témoins de tensions entre la haute administration universitaire et la communauté étudiante et professorale.

    According to politicians and some media, immigrants would be responsible for all the cultural and economic troubles Canada and the province of Quebec are facing. To break down and analyze these xenophobic discourses, Emilie talks with Mireille Paquet, a Concordia professor of political science, who specializes in migratory policy. In the second part of the show, they look at the pro-Palestinian encampments on university campuses, which bear witness to tensions between university administrators and the student-professor community.

    Animation : Emilie Nicolas

    Générique : Lucie Laumonier (Production), Tristan Capacchione (Production technique), Karyn Pugliese (Rédactrice en chef) 

    Coanimation : Mireille Paquet

    Pour en savoir plus :

    Pour un temps limité, soutenez-nous et obtenez 6 mois de bénéfices exclusifs pour 2$ par mois! Pour cela, rendez-vous sur

    For a limited time, get 6 months of exclusive supporter benefits for just $2/month. Go to to become a supporter today.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  4. (Short Cuts) Drake is a Journalist

    Thursday, May 9th 2024

    The Drake/Kendrick rap beef has overtaken the internet. A flurry of diss tracks has captured the attention of millions, but now a shooting outside of Drake’s Toronto mansion reveals the violent potential of this rhetorical battle. Jan Wong reports from the Drake’s Mansion and Jesse offers his analysis of the journalistic underpinnings of the modern rap beef.

    Plus, there was foreign interference after all, but was it everything the media reported? What Justice Hogue’s initial report tells us (and doesn’t tell us) about the state of Canadian democracy. 

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: James Nicholson (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Jan Wong


    Further reading: 


    Sponsors: CAMH, Athletic Greens, Calm

    For a limited time, get 6 months of exclusive supporter benefits for just $2/month. Go to to become a supporter today. 

    You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  5. Voice Of The Common Man

    Monday, May 6th 2024

    Open Line on VOCM-AM in Newfoundland has been called an institution. A religion. A must-listen show. 

    And we at Canadaland had never heard of it - until recently. But it attracts an audience bigger than any show in its time slot, and has consistently for years. 

    So in the age of podcasts and social media, in a time of layoffs and media cuts, how has this AM radio talk show managed to thrive? 

    Host: Jesse Brown 

    Credits: Cherise Seucharan (Reporter), Tristan Capacchione (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Jonathan Goldsbie (News Editor), André Proulx (Production Coordinator), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Featured guests: Paddy Daly, Greg Smith, Ryan Cleary, Justin Brake

    Additional music by Audio Network

    Further reading:

    Sponsors: Better Help, CAMH, Oxio

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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