The best newspaper in Canada is a podcast.

Every Monday, we bring you original reporting on the most interesting story in the country. Every Thursday, we bring you analysis of the Canadian media. We break stories today that determine tomorrow's news cycle. We hold the powerful to account, and we scrutinize institutions and individuals that others won't.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Latest podcasts

  1. If Poilievre Wins With Batsh*t Memes, Will He Be a Batsh*t Prime Minister?

    Wednesday, September 18th 2024

    With two byelections this week, the rhetoric is ramping up around the next Canadian federal election. Paris Marx joins Justin Ling to consider the online discourse that is poisoning political discussion in Canada, and how Pierre Poilievre is taking advantage of it. 

    Plus, is the controversial Russians at War documentary worth a viewing?

    CanadaLabs has announced three events happening this fall for journalists and audio makers. To find out more, check out:

    Host: Justin Ling 

    Credits: James Nicholson (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Tristan Capacchione (Audio Engineering), max collins (Production Manager) 

    Guest: Paris Marx


    Further reading: 



    oxio: Head over to and use code CANADALAND for your first month free! 

    Article: Article is offering our listeners $50 off your first purchase of $100 or more. To claim, visit and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout


    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  2. The Case for NIMBYism

    Monday, September 16th 2024

    Canada has 38 of the world’s 100 safe injection sites. But for how much longer will we be the global leader in this controversial form of dealing with addition? Politicians and communities from BC to Ontario to New Brunswick are backing away from supporting the sites. With Ontario alone shutting down 10 sites. 

    Jesse and journalist Derek Finkle tackle a very personal story at the heart of the safe injection site closure debate.

    Credits: Jesse Brown (Host), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), max collins (Production Manager), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer)

    Photo Credit Ted McGrath

    Further reading:


    oxio: Head over to and use code CANADALAND for your first month free!  

    Squarespace: Check out for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch use code canadaland to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. 

    Article: Article is offering our listeners $50 off your first purchase of $100 or more. To claim this offer, visit and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody. Support Canadaland at 

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Additional Music is by Audio Network.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  3. Rokhaya & Emilie in Paris: racisme et sexisme dans les médias

    Saturday, September 14th 2024

    Traumavertissement: La deuxième partie de l’émission discute de sujets douloureux en lien avec les violences faites aux femmes.

    Content warning: The second part of the show deals with traumatic topics connected to violence against women.

    Pas de souliers à talons sur les pavés parisiens pour Emilie, en visite dans la capitale française. Dans une ambiance bien moins aseptisée que celle du célèbre show Netflix, elle a rencontré Rokhaya Diallo pour lui poser une question brûlante: Comment fait-elle? Comment fait la journaliste, autrice et réalisatrice, femme noire française et musulmane, pour trouver l’énergie de débattre à la télévision et à la radio de racisme et de sexisme, des sujets si difficiles à aborder outre-Atlantique? Diallo décrypte les enjeux politiques et culturels qui paralysent le milieu des médias français et rendent ces discussions presque impossibles. Dans la deuxième partie de l’émission, Emilie et Rokhaya s’intéressent à l’affaire dite “des viols de Mazan” qui offre un éclairage inédit sur les luttes féministes et le sexisme à la française.

    No high-heeled shoes on the Parisian cobblestones for Emilie who’s visiting the French capital. A far cry from the innocuous atmosphere of the famous Netflix show, she speaks with Rokhaya Diallo to ask her a burning question: how does she do it? How does the French journalist, author, and director — a black Muslim woman — find the energy to debate racism and sexism on television and radio, two topics that are so difficult to tackle in France? Diallo deciphers the political and cultural issues that paralyze the French media community and make these discussions almost impossible to have. In the second part of the show, Emilie and Rokhaya focus on the so-called “Mazan rapes” affair, which offers unprecedented insight into the French feminist movement and the ‘made-in-France’ sexism.

    Animation : Emilie Nicolas

    Générique : Lucie Laumonier (Production), Tristan Capacchione (Production technique), max collins (Coordination de production), Karyn Pugliese (Rédactrice en chef) 

    Coanimation : Rokhaya Diallo

    Musique additionnelle : Audio Network

    Pour en savoir plus :

    Si vous appréciez ce podcast, soutenez-nous ! Vous obtiendrez un accès en prime à toutes nos émissions gratuitement, y compris les premières diffusions et le contenu bonus. Vous recevrez également notre lettre d'information exclusive, des rabais sur les produits dans notre boutique, des billets pour nos événements en direct et virtuels, et surtout, vous ferez partie de la solution à la crise du journalisme au Canada. Vous ferez en sorte que notre travail reste gratuit et accessible à tout le monde.  


    Vous pouvez écouter sans publicité sur Amazon Music, inclus avec Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  4. Is Jagmeet Singh Actually Smart?

    Friday, September 13th 2024

    The press has been ridiculing Singh since he "tore up" the NDP's deal with the Liberals. But...maybe he knows what he's doing?

    Plus, the legacy of Canadian journalism icon Stevie Cameron, and updates on New Brunswick’s mysterious neurological syndrome.

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: James Nicholson (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), max collins (Production Manager)

    Guest: Jan Wong


    Further reading: 



    Douglas: Douglas is giving our listeners a FREE Sleep Bundle with each mattress purchase. Get the sheets, pillows, mattress and pillow protectors FREE with your Douglas purchase today. Visit to claim this offer

    oxio: Head over to and use code CANADALAND for your first month free!  

    BetterHelp: Visit today to get 10% off your first month.

    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  5. Lauren Southern's Strange Journey from Rebel to Tradwife to Paid Putin Stooge

    Wednesday, September 11th 2024

    The surprising Canadian connections to an alt-right influencer network that is alleged to have been funded by Russia. How Lauren Chen, Lauren Southern, and some of the biggest names in the US alt-right took millions from the Kremlin, and why Tenet Media is probably just the tip of the iceberg. 

    Plus, Jan Wong on Peter Nygard’s long overdue sentencing for sexual assault, and Jesse takes stock of the state of terrorism in Canada.

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: James Nicholson(Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor and Technical Producer)

    Guest: Jan Wong


    Further reading: 

    Photo Credit: Lauren Southern



    Douglas:  Douglas is giving our listeners a FREE Sleep Bundle with each mattress purchase. Get the sheets, pillows, mattress and pillow protectors FREE with your Douglas purchase today.  Visit to claim this offer

    Squarespace: Check out for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch use code canadaland to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. 



    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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